
OAT: The Stans of Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan

September 14 to October 14, 2018

This was an excellent tour to a very interesting, somewhat out-of-the-way part of the world. The landscape of the steppes and mountains and deserts provided constant contrast. The history of the region and of the Silk Road is fascinating and the tile work in and on the buildings is magnificent.

Itinerary: The Stans of Central Asia

September 14-16

Denver to Frankfurt: Old Town Frankfurt

September 17-18

September 19

September 20
September 21
September 22-23
September 24
September 25
September 26
September 27

Ashgabat to Nukus, Uzbekistan: Dashoguz; Border Crossing; Mizdakhan Necropolis

September 28

Nukus to Khiva: Savitsky Museum; Lunch Entertainment; Kyzyl Kum Desert; Khiva

September 29

Khiva: City Tour; Madrassah of Mohammad Amin; Museum of Ancient Khorezm; Kalta Minor; Museum of History; Koran Book Racks; Silk Embroidery;  Friday Mosque; Stone Courtyard

September 30

Khiva to Bukhara; Picnic Lunch; Bukhara Tour; Puppetry Workshop

October 1

Bukhara: Ark Citadel; Po-i-Kalyn Mosque Complex; Bolo Haouz Mosque; Samanid Mausoleum

October 2
October 3
October 4
October 5
October 6
October 7
October 8
October 9
October 10
October 11
October 12
October 13-14


Trip Map




Fri., 9/14-17/18 -Frankfurt

Because of the very lengthy flight from Denver to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, we opted to spend two nights in Frankfurt on the way. We have flown through the Frankfurt airport many times but have never seen the city, so we decided to remedy that. We were able to get a hotel room half a block from the train station so we took the train from and to the airport and spent two days wandering around the old town.


Modern Frankfurt

New building


Romer Square


Romer Square


Goldene Waage - House of the Golden Scales


Customs Tower


Saint Bartholomeus' Cathedral (left)

Saint Bartholomeus' Cathedral



There are nice walks along the river with lots to see.


Iron Bridge over The Main


The Main

Love Locks on the Iron Bridge


Holbeinsteg Pedestrian Bridge


Both days we were there there were festivals in the Paulsplatz so we spent time people watching and listening to a variety of music.



Cooking Salmon


Sun Dial


Organ Grinder


It is a great deal of fun to look around at the old fashioned signs and take pictures. Below are also two modern versions of signs.


The new style


The new style

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