Spring in the Sonoran Desert


Dream Catcher



California Poppy with Insect


Night-Blooming Cactus

Torch Cactus




HAL Grand Australia & New Zealand (January 3 - March 15, 2024)


Israel: The Holy Land and Timeless Cultures (January 21 - February 11, 2023)





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The next scheduled trip is a Holland America 94-Day Grand Australia & New Zealand Voyage that will take us to Hawaii, many of the South Pacific Islands (going out and coming back), a circumnavigation of Australia, and a cruise along the east coast of New Zealand. - from January 3 to April 6, 2024. The cruise begins and ends in San Diego and should be a really interesting experience!

Trips on the Webpage:
Israel is still in process but eventually it will appear - have faith!

The HAL Australia & New Zealand cruise was interrupted on March 15, in northern New Zealand (Waitangi), when Gale suffered chest pains and we were disembarked from the ship. She was transported by ambulence to Wharangei (about 45 miles south) and Marge followed later, by transit van. After 5 days in the hospital, an angiogram (no stent inserted), and an echocardiogram (normal enough), she was discharged. We made our way to Auckland and flew home on March 21.

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We named our Estes Park house and property Dreamcatcher, not so much because of the Indian legend explained below, as because the house and its location represented a "dream come true" for our retirement. Our move to Arizona represents a dream of a slightly different sort, but just as appropriate, so I believe we will call this new home our Green Valley Dreamcatcher. We hope the Dream Catchers in our home will catch and keep the good dreams.

Indian Dream Catcher Legend

The Plains Indians believe Dream Catchers catch all dreams, good and bad. Good dreams, knowing the way, travel through the hole in the center, rest on the feather like a dew drop, and evaporate to the Great Spirit in the morning sun. Bad dreams, not knowing the way, get entangled in the web. The prayer beads on the Dream Catcher trap all the bad dreams that are left on the web. The prayer beads then burn them up.

Dream Catcher DC

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