
Fri., 10/5/18 - Samarkand

Today we escaped from the city! We drove out to a village, Ohilik, in the foothills of the Gissar Mountains for a hike. The village was a place of mud brick houses and yards for growing food or containing cows or sheep at night. People sweep the dirt at the entrance to their houses and the ones we have seen the inside of have been neat but sparse and functional. Many have very pretty, elaborate “garage” doors into their courtyards. We entered one to use their clean, cement, long-drop toilet.

In this village are three “pioneer camps.” These were instituted during Soviet times to brain-wash school children. They continue to operate now under the continued communist system.

We saw a man in a black uniform who was an “officer of compulsory payment.” He is like a tax or bill collector who knocks on doors of people who owe on their gas or electric bill, etc. He has the authority to take a TV or computer or furniture if the person can’t pay what they owe.

Patterns at our hotel


Patterns at our hotel


Statue of Tamerlane (Timur)


Even in Uzbekistan


Hanging out - Roadside meat market





Gas is piped throughout the city in pipes that go from house-to-house over the rooftops


Bus stop?

Interestingly shaped long-drop toilet


Front door

Front porch and yard

Kids are always curious about foreigners


The road outside the house


River bed


Our hike was along shepherd paths up into dusty and rocky open areas where there was very little “grass” or greenery for any animal. The views back down into the village and the trees along the stream made you realize how hard these people work to eke out a living in this arid country. There is one stream here that flows from snow melt, and springs that sustain life. We had a rest stop near the top of a hill, with cookies and hot tea or coffee provided by our local guide. We enjoyed the exercise and the rock hopping to cross the stream. We saw a herd of sheep on the barren hills and cows roaming free. Afghanistan lay across the next set of hills about one mile away.


We hiked that direction


Farm house

The road/trail


Fall color

Resting cows


Keeping the birds off


The way up was not always easy


View of the town

Looking back toward the city

More fall color


Looking down at a farm


Pasture land with Afghanistan in the distance


Neat farmhouse

Animal grazing trails on the hillside


Queen of the mountain


We made it almost to the very top

Looking down at the animals on the hillside where we came from


Stream below


Rock formations

A stile


Helping hand to rock hop across the stream


Design on the fence


Tin roof


We stopped briefly at a school to visit with some of the kids and then continued on back to the hotel to clean up a bit and have lunch.


School kids


School kids looking at a map so we could show them where we came from


Water line


Fruit tree orchard


Paint samples


Outdoor market

Camel sculpture


Super market

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