Tues., 10/2/18 - Bukhara and the Village of Nayman
Today was our OAT “Day in the Life” of a village. We visited the farm community of Nayman. Village “government” is still set up much like in Soviet times. Each neighborhood or block of apartments will have a “White Beard.” It is usually a man but can be a woman who is a busybody watching people in his charge and reporting to a “governor” things like: he had strange women in his apartment or she did not go pick cotton. Each small village also has a “commissioner” who reports to the governor or police station violations of law or criminal activity like stealing or prostitution. He is paid by the “state” (meaning the government) and the commissioner we talked to has had no crime so far in 2018 and only a lost (and used by another villager) cell phone in all of 2017. The white beards also try to solve grievances like: my husband drinks too much, my wife is a terrible cook, etc. It is a spy and report system. We talked to the commissioner and he asked us questions. It was an interesting dialogue.
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