
On to Prague in the Czech Republic

Flag of the Czech Republic


EU license plate for the Czech Republic

        On our way from Krakow to Prague, we stopped for lunch in the picturesque little town of Olomouc. The town square had an astronomical clock on the town hall, a statue of Hercules slaying the Hydra, and a Holy Trinity (plague) Monument with 12 Apostles and statues of Love, Hope, and Charity.  Another fountain represented a Czech fairy tale.  A huge TV screen was being erected to show tonight's soccer game.


Border crossing - much different from the pre-EU days


Town square and Holy Trinity monument - a plague monument (we saw lots of these)

Holy Trinity monument


Astronomical clock


Astronomical clock

Sewer cover


Arion fountain


        We spent two days in beautiful Prague. The buildings are just wonderful. We did the various sights and had time on our own to see other things and just sit in the Old Town Square and enjoy lunch and people-watching.


Solar panels in a field on the way to Prague

The Vltava (or Moldau) River


Another sgraffito-style wall


Sgraffito detail

Prague Castle

Prague Castle - the royal palace


St. Vitus Cathedral


St. Vitus Cathedral

St. Vitus Cathedral - Golden gate

St. Vitus Cathedral - the spires are black because they are too detailed to be cleaned


Fancy light fixture in Castle Square


Changing of the guard at the palace

View from the Castle


      A stroll through the streets produces views of all manner of buildings and signs and other sights. Fabulous city!


Clock tower with a face in Roman numerals above and Hebrew below


Building facade

Neat clock seller's sign


St. Nicholas Church on Lesser Town Square

St. Nicholas Church on Lesser Town Square - viewed from the top of the Town Hall Tower


Building facade

Building facade


Building facade

Building facade

Building facade


Building facade


Powder Gate

Prague Opera House

Astronomical clock in the Town Hall Tower


Astronomical clock in the Town Hall Tower


View of the street from the top of the Town Hall Tower

Church of Our Lady Before Tyn
On Old Town Square -
from the Town Hall Tower


Staromestska Restaurant on Old Town Square - we liked it so much we ate here twice - great people watching, as well

Roasting meat on Old Town Square


View from the Staromestska Restaurant

Creative wine pouring at our dinner restaurant - glad he wasn't pouring over me - I had white wine just to be safe


Hammered dolcimer - at the restaurant

The folk music group - dancing was included - polkas


The folk music group - this is a fujara, a 3-holed pipe, technically a contrabass instrument in the tabor pipe class

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