
Wallenstein Palace and Gardens - seat of the Senate of the Czech Republic


Sculpted wall of stalactites and stalagmites

Sculpted wall of stalactites and stalagmites


Albino peacock - he wouldn't fan for us

Street scene

Gale at the narrowest street in Prague


Two Guys Peeing


        The Two Guys represent the EU peeing into a pond the shape of the Czech Republic.

        The microchip-controlled sculptures are writing out famous quotations from Czech literature with their 'pee'.

Interesting sign


Charles Bridge

Wedding locks on the bridge rail


Charles Bridge tower -
Mala Strana (north) side


Sculptures - there are lots of them - on the Charles Bridge


Statue to St John of Nepomuk who was drowned in the Vltava

Memorial to St John of Nepomuk - it is supposed to bring good luck if you touch the plaque

Old Town Tower- south side of south tower of the Charles Bridge


Street scene


Pictures on signs are a good thing

Fancy sewer cover


He was outside our hotel - that is the EU symbol painted on his side



            We boarded the bus for a 1.5 hour drive to Sychrov Chateau.  On arrival we were given glasses of wine to sip in the garden and then went to the chapel for an organ recital on the same organ that Dvorak played.  Then we had a private tour of the chateau.  It was bought in 1820 by the French noble family, Rohan, who escaped from the French Revolution to Czechoslovakia.  The future generations had to leave in 1945 to escape the Germans, but the palace is preserved and furnished as it was in its glory days.  We walked through all of the royal apartment rooms on the second floor.  Of interest to us were the hunting trophies of small deer antlers and elk antlers with the sixth point branched into three prongs. 


Information sign

Sychrov Castle - entry


Sychrov Castle

Sychrov Castle


Sychrov Castle


Sychrov Castle - interior

Sychrov Castle - trophy hall

Sychrov Castle - nice spiral staircase


Sychrov Castle - library




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