
            Today we joined the optional tour to Zakopane, a ski village in the foothills of the Tatra Mountains.  The scenic drive from Krakow was through hardwood and then spruce forests, farms of sheep and dairy cows, and fields of hay with old fashioned hayracks for drying.

Polish countryside from the bus


Polish countryside from the bus

Tatra Mountains


Tatra Mountains

Unpronounceable name of a little wooden church we visited

Wooden church


Caulking made from compressed wood shavings


Church interior

Ski jumps (from the bus)


Stary Cemetery in Zacopane, Poland - we found that all Polish cemeteries are filled with flowers. This was the only one I could get a picture of, but all of them are beautiful.

Market in Zacopane


Market in Zacopane - all sorts of things were for sale

Market in Zacopane


Cheese stalls at the Market in Zacopane

Our luncheon entertainment


Our luncheon entertainment

Our horse cart ride through the countryside - there was NO leg-room at all!


The horse carts

Sheep pen and sheep dogs who are bigger than the sheep

Roasting sausages


Drinking mulled wine - I prefer the lemon and honey variety of vodka which we had at lunch




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