
     One of the very interesting tours we took was to the Wieliczka Salt Mine, now a museum. Within the mine, miners have carved very elaborate sculptures out of the salt.

Entrance to the Wieliczka Salt Mine


Elevator down into the mine - very small cage and very crowded

Salt deposition


Sculptures of miners - all carved out of salt

Area called the Salt Cathedral because of all of the religious-themed carvings


Salt Cathedral

Salt Cathedral




Mushroom soup bread bowl - very good!



            Today's trip to Auschwitz concentration camps #1 and #2 (also called Birkenau) was a very somber experience.  Six million Jews and 5 million others - Gypsies, homosexuals, political adversaries, etc. were systematically murdered by the Nazis in death camps.  There were more than 300 concentration camps and most were in Poland.  Prisoners came from 24 different countries including a citizen from Chicago who was on vacation in Poland and had a Polish surname.

          Photographs were allowed outside and inside some of the buildings, but not all.



Entrance gate


Guarded perimeter

A few of the cell blocks

Dogs patrolled between the fences


Country of origin of people sent to Auschwitz


Cell block 11 - Death Block


Execution wall outside Cell Block 11

More cell blocks

Plan of a gas chamber


Model of a gas chamber

The one remaining gas chamber


Interior of the gas chamber


Empty cans - from the Zyklon B used in the gas chambers

          Among the things we were not allowed to photograph were several large displays (probably at least 15 x 6 x 8 ft.) at least half or more filled with human hair, prosthetic devices, and other things taken from the prisoners. Really sobering.


Auschwitz Camp #2 - also known as Birkenau


Railroad entrance to the camp


In the distance, the platform where prisoners were unloaded from the trains

A unit of the Israeli Army on a pilgramage to Birkenau - something all army units apparently do


Barracks for the prisoners

Barracks interior


Latrine in the barracks

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