
     We were in Krakow for four nights during which time we toured the city and surrounding attractions. Krakow was our first opportunity to really take in the various kinds of architecture typical of European cities (the pictures don't really do it justice). It was very interesting to compare the style of the buildings that were not destroyed during WWII with those which were destroyed and have been restored. The restorations are amazing. You have to wonder what it cost (was it worth it?) to restore everything to its original Old World appearance. Regardless, we enjoyed it!

Remains of the Town Hall in Krakow's Main Square


Main Square

Eros Bendato (Eros tied)
Sculpture in Main Square


Cloth Hall

Getting water from the well in the Main Square


Not all is old fashioned

Colorful waffles for sale in the Main Square


Food vendor in the Main Square

Basilica of the Virgin Mary - the Mother Church


Typical building

St. Florian's Gate


Barbicon fortification

Old city wall - a convenient place to hang one's art work

Sculpture above the door marks the address of the structure (in olden times)


Parking is at a premium

I guess they don't want you stepping between the train cars


Building facade in the sgraffito style


More sgraffito painting on wall of building


Church of Sts Peter and Paul (restored)


Church of St Andrew - next door to Peter and Paul and unrestored


     Our city touring of course included going through the Wawel Castle, on Wawel Hill. The arcitecture inside the complex certainly seemed diverse.


Wawel Royal Castle Map

Wawel Castle and the Vistula River


Wawel Royal Castle


Courtyard at Wawel Royal Castle

Cafe in the Jewish Quarter - a synagogue is beyond the arch


     Touring also took us to the restored Jewish Quarter in the city. While there we encountered a unit of the Israeli Army, on tour in Poland.


     We also stopped at Schindler's factory, but did not go inside.


Plaque outside Schindler's Factory


Schindler's Factory

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