
After our cave tour we continued on to Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. We met Robert, our local guide, for a stroll around the central city. Ljubljana is called the “Hidden Gem of Europe” and we agree. An earthquake in 1885 destroyed much of the city and what was rebuilt before WWI is considered Secessionist architecture. It is Slovenia’s Art Nouveau. The house across from our hotel is now a cooperative banking house and is painted in bright geometric designs.

Secessionist architecture - a bank


Painted in the pattern of the Slovenian flag

Tower of Ljubljana Castle in the distance


Manhole covers

Ljubljana Castle

University of Ljubljana


We looked at the 1701 Philharmonic building with an intimate 400 seat hall on the second floor. Ljubljana has three symphony orchestras!

Flying the flag of Slovenia


Ljubljanica River


Paddle board on the Ljubljanica River

Street sign - another unprounceable language


Presernov Trg is the main square


Dragon Bridge

Dragon Bridge


The Preseren Monument/Statue (1905) stands in the square. He is Slovenia’s greatest poet and wrote the seven stanzas of the National Anthem that speaks to peace in all countries.


Butcher's Bridge love locks



We walked to the Central Market, an open air and a covered market. Most merchants had already closed for the day. Further down, chefs from local restaurants were setting up for the Friday evening food fest. We went back later to see if we wanted to tangle with mobs of people to get some dinner. Instead we opted for the Mediterranean Restaurant and ate outside in relative calm enjoying “unfiltered “ homemade Slovenian dark beer and pizza. It was very nice.

We like this small capital city!

Friday evening food fest

Friday evening food fest


Friday evening food fest


Lots of people like the Friday evening food fest

A "boat race" through town


Doors of the Cathedral


Clock tower of the Town Hall


Street musicians


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