
Sat., 6/16/18 - Ljubljana

Today we took the optional tour to Lake Bled, north of Ljubljana. We arrived in the town of Bled on Lake Bled with Bled Island in the middle. We took a Pletna boat to the island. It is rowed - actually sculled - by one oarsman using two oars.

Bled Castle


Lake Bled

Boat paddle

The boat is called a Pletna


Our boat

Sculling us to the island


Boaters on the lake


On the island we walked around to the church, Gale climbed the clock tower (100 steps), and we walked around this island looking at the beautiful, clear, turquoise green water.

Bled Island

Lake Bled and scenery


Bled Island

Lots of steps


The Rowing Center at Lake Bled

Tito's former residence


Assumption of Mary Pilgrimage Church - under restoration



Bell ropes


Bell mehanism

Lots of little fish


Then you have to go down those stairs



Beautiful setting


We were able to look aross the lake to watch the races at the rowing center on Lake Bled. The rowing course is marked for 2000 meter races, the standard for world and Olympic competition. We haven’t seen this since leaving the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia.

Rowing Center


Boats on the lake

A race



We were taken back to town on another Pletna and our bus drove us to the bottom of Bled Castle. We walked up the steep path and toured around looking in the small chapel with a 1550 book, the oldest one found to be written in Slovene, the printers shop, the forge, and a small museum. But best was the views to the northwest of the Julian Alps and to the northeast and the Karavanke Alps. Supposedly, Julius Caesar crossed the Julian Alps, hence the name. We could see a summer Alpine sled on rails ride down one mountain like I saw in Switzerland many years ago. We looked across at the Vila Bled which Tito favored.

Julian Alps


Julian Alps

Alpine sled run


Sports field

Karavanke Alps


Old building with interesting shutters


Book from the 1550s


Bikers with a problem


We left Bled and drove to Radovljica, a small Middle Ages village. We learned about what they call gingerbread which has no ginger and should be called honey bread. They let the cookies dry hard and paint them as hearts, dolls, or horses. We ate lunch at the gingerbread place which was a 1500s house. We had Slovenian/Bavarian food with sausages, German potatoes, sauerkraut, and sour turnips. It was pretty good. The owner then came and entertained us with two harmonica songs.


Village of Radovljica

Village of Radovljica


Gingerbread Store

Making Gingerbread


Making Gingerbread

For sale



Harmonica entertainment


We had some time to walk the block of town. We stepped into the Roman Catholic St. Peter’s Church and listened to a young man playing the organ at full blast. Outside the church was an oompah-band playing for the gathering wedding guests. The bride and groom came out of the town hall (civil service) and then would go to the church for the Catholic service. Radovljia is a very cute small town.


St. Peter's Church


St. Peter's Church organ

St. Peter's Church


More views from the bus


More views from the bus

More views from the bus



After our return to Ljubljana, we strolled around the town. Today they had at least 50 kiosks offering samples of wines. Town was crowded with happy people by 5:30 PM! The cathedral door was open so we went in. It is another golden, ostentatious house of “worship!”


Faxcinating building

Doors of the Cathedral


Dragon on the dragon bridge - 2 views


Street light


We met Ines and four others for pizza at Aura restaurant. It was a sister of the one we ate at yesterday and just as good.


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