
        The Very Large Array (VLA) is a radio astronomy observatory operated by the Nat'l Radio Astronomy Observatory.  The VLA consists of 27 dish-shaped antennas that are connected together by computer to form a single large telescope.  The antennas are set in a "Y" formation and can be moved and spread up to 13 miles apart depending on the research that is being carried out.  They collect very faint radio signals from the sun, planets, and galaxies.  Some of the research done at VLA through computer generating analysis includes: finding ice at the poles of Mars, studying black holes and quasars, and explosions and gases from supernova remnants.

Very Large Array Radio Telescopes


Radio Telescope

One Very Large Telescope


Very Large Array Radio Telescopes

Sculpture in the courtyard - signifies the Y shape of the telescope array


Telescope and lifter used to move the telescopes

Lifter and Gale


Tracks used for moving the telescopes


Track intersection used to move telescope from linear track onto its pad


Long Wavelength Array antenna - used to probe deep space


A group of Long Wavelength Array antennas

        This morning we packed a lunch and headed down to the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Preserve and drove the 12-mile tour loop stopping at every observation deck.  This is not the time when the marshes, ponds, and cornfields are full of birds.  We saw ducks and geese, one heron, 3 cormorants, catfish in the muddy water, lizards, 1 flicker, several small birds with yellow chest and yellow above the tail, 4 coyotes, and a big unidentified bird of prey, a falcon and a raptor with a white ring around his tail when he flew.  At least we weren't skunked.


Catfish in a marsh

Nice great blue heron


White Sands National Monument at Alamogordo, NM

        One of the main objectives of this trip was to visit White Sands at a time when the moon was full. While we were there we wandered on the dunes and then took the "full moon" walk with the Rangers. It really is a beautiful place.











Large picnic area

Tracing of grasses caused by the wind


Animal tracks - the desert is not a dead place


Tracks and a burrow for some small animal

Animal burrow

Animal burrow















Moonrise - full moon

Moonrise - full moon


Moonrise - full moon


Moonrise - full moon

Moonrise - full moon


Moonrise - full moon


Almost daylight with the full moon on the white sand



     This is an old sawdust burner that is located on the edge of town. The old mill looks a little the worse for wear.


October 12-13 - Alamogordo to Estes Park

         We headed home after the full moon night. It took the usual two days, which were uneventful.
          We are happy to be home again but we had another wonderful experience and enjoyed the Balloon Fiesta and the sightseeing.

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