
Fri., 9/23/16 – Bologna and Urbino
        After breakfast today we walked to the train station, used the biglietti machine, bought two tickets to Pesaro, and boarded an 8:38 train.  At 10:45 we arrived in Pesaro on the Adriatic coast and bought bus tickets to Urbino at the tobacconist shop.  The “speedy” bus got us to Urbino in 45 minutes.  We arrived at noon.
        Urbino is a 15th c. hill town with the huge Ducal Palace of Duke Federico da Montefeltro in the center, a Duomo, and a university.  The city has a brick wall all around it and hilly, cobblestone streets.  Our #46 bus let us off 10 stories below the Porta S. Lucia – entrance gate.  For our convenience we took the elevator up the 5 stories of a parking garage, up an escalator to the COOP and shops on the 6th floor, and then another elevator up to the 10th story and the gate through the city wall.  We followed the “finger post” signs to the information center to get a map of the Urbino. 

Pesaro train station


View of the countryside from the Urbino bus stop

Urbino street scene - the town is very hilly


Sun dial

Church of San Domenico


Cathedral - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Cathedral - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Galleria Nazionale delle Marche in the Ducal Palace - the sign is advertising Titian's Venus Returns to Court


        The Ducal Palace now houses the Galleria Nazionale della Marche.  We spent two hours inside looking at 15th c. religious art that was hung in the Duke’s living spaces.  The 30 large rooms on the first floor (second floor by American count) each had at least one large fireplace, many had elaborate ceilings, but the best was the Duke’s small study.
          The galleries include masterpieces by Raphael, Piero della Francesca, Titian, and other less famous artists. 


Galleria Nazionale delle Marche


        The walls of the Duke’s small study are covered with inlaid wood depicting 3-D books, musical instruments, music scores, scientific instruments, weapons, and historical people.  Much of it looks like open cases or book cabinets.  It is the main attraction of the Gallery.


Ceiling of the Duke's study


Inlaid wood in the Duke's study

Inlaid wood in the Duke's study


Inlaid wood in the Duke's study

Inlaid wood in the Duke's study


Inlaid wood in the Duke's study

Inlaid wood in the Duke's study


Doors of inlaid wood

Doors of inlaid wood


Huge fireplaces

Mosaic tiles


Galleria Nazionale delle Marche

Coat of arms of the Duke of Montefeltro


       By the time we finished in the Gallery, it was 2 PM and we were hungry so we walked down to Piazza della Republica and ate pizza and salad at Deliziose Folli, sitting outside watching people walk by. Since the Cathedral (Duomo) was not open unless you paid to go through another religious art gallery, we decided to head home. 


Cafe Deliziose Folli


Chimneys of the Ducal Palace

Statue of St. Crescentino, the patron saint of Urbino


More modern buildings

The train station, again


We took the 4:30 bus back to Pesaro and got the 5:58 fast train to Bologna.  We were back at our hotel by 8 PM. 

Urbino is a special hill town and was worth the day trip.


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