
Sun., 10/9/16 – Pienza to Trevi

        In the morning, before our departure for the day’s new hotel, Marge spent some time wandering around taking pictures of the cute little town of Pienza and the surrounding Tuscan countryside.


Morning photos - Sunrise above the clouds and fog


Morning in the Tuscan countryside



Morning photos


Street scene

Cathedral of Pienza

Street sweeper


Sun through fog



Street scene

Street scene


Street scene - Lovely flowers and sheets hanging out the windows!


        Lake Trasimeno is the largest lake in Europe created by tectonic plate movement.  It has no rivers flowing in or out of it.  It holds rainwater and now has 21 feet of water on top of 200 feet of sediment. 

        We boarded two pontoon boats in Tuoro to cross to the Isola Maggiore where a local guide gave us a tour.  We looked across the water to the hillsides around Tuoro where Hannibal with only one elephant remaining, came down from the Alps to march against Rome. 

        St. Francis visited this island of successful fishermen to peacefully pray for 40 days during Lent in 1211.  The island now has only 17 permanent residents and several pheasants – we saw a few.  Franciscan friars came to the island and built the Church of the Archangel St. Michele. Over several centuries the friars added frescos to the church.  
        We walked along the lake and up to the church and back into town for lunch. 


Lake Trasimeno - Boats to Isola Maggiore


Lake Trasimeno - Modern sculptures along the shore

Pretty sign


Fisherman on Lake Trasimeno

Isola Maggiore - Statue of St. Francis of Assisi


Isola Maggiore - Challenging trail

Isola Maggiore - Pheasant


Church of St. Michael the Archangel

Church of St. Michael the Archangel


Church of St. Michael the Archangel

Isola Maggiore - Museum

Isola Maggiore - Lunch

Isola Maggiore - Lunch



        After another hour and a half ride on our bus, we arrived in Trevi, a town atop an impressive hill - at least the drive up was impressive!  Today they held their version of a palio, but without horses, that included a Medieval Festival.   When we arrived there were still food booths and craft tents and games for kids.  The squares were full of people and the weather was great.
        Tommaso led us on a walk to see St. Martin’s Church and Nunnery so we could look back at the hilltop town of Trevi and have a view of the whole valley.


Assisi from the bus

Assisi from the bus


Trevi - Festival in the square - Interesting food

Trevi - Festival in the square - Interesting food


Trevi - Hotel room ceiling

St. Martin’s church


View from hike to St. Martin’s church


View from hike to St. Martin’s church

View of Trevi from hike to St. Martin’s church

Drummers practicing for the evening Medieval Festival


       Marge joined Tommaso for a pre-dinner glass of wine from a booth at the Festival. It was awful cheap wine.

        Dinner was included tonight.  We had a very good meal at La Vecchia Posta.  The first course was a sample of many good things and the second was a small portion of sliced Florentine steak.  We had homemade ice cream for dessert. 

        When we left the restaurant, two contradas were lined up with drum corps and everyone was in medieval dress.  They marched into the grand square to a large crowd. 


Medieval Festival


Medieval Festival

Medieval Festival - this may be the worst glass of wine I ever had!


Trevi - Dinner at La Vecchia Posta


Medieval Festival

Medieval Festival

Medieval Festival


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