
        After lunch we set out on a lengthy walk around the old town.  We walked down the Royal Mile to Holyrood Palace where Queen Elizabeth II stays for her three-week visit each summer.  Unfortunately it was closed because a representative of the Queen was there for a week long meeting.  Maybe I will get to tour the palace on our third trip to Edinburgh!  Marge took pictures of the palace and the unusual parliament and then we strolled back up the Royal Mile taking pictures of the street, St. Giles Cathedral (Presbyterian), the old Tron Kirk, various statues and monuments, some of the narrow alleys called closes, and the Deacon Brodie Tavern.  The sun was shining, it was 70°, and the cherry blossoms and some flowers were out. 

Monument to Dean Ramsey


Edinburgh Castle

Memorial to Sir Walter Scott


Memorial to Sir Walter Scott

Street scene - Jenner's department store


Calton Hill and its monuments

Building decor


Canongate Kirk - church of the Royal family when they are in Edinburgh

Interior of Canongate Kirk


Interesting cable-supported roof

Holyrood Palace gate


Holyrood Palace

Holyrood Palace


        The new Scottish parliament building was built in 2004 and cost 400 million pounds (about $655 million) and is truly ugly.  It is ultra modern in a 17th c. city and right across the street from Holyrood Palace and Abby built in the 12th c. 


Scottish Parliament Building (an Internet photo)


Scottish Parliament Building

Scottish Parliament Building

Scottish Parliament Building


Scottish Parliament Building

Scottish Parliament Building


Strolling up the Royal Mile


Milton House Public School


Mural in the school yard

Old toll entry gate

World's End - end of the old city wall - now a tavern


Philosopher and Economist Adam Smith


Royal Mile and Old Tron Kirk

Interesting monument


St. Giles Cathedral - the High Kirk of Edinburgh

Statue of Philosopher David Hume with toe which students rub for good luck


Street scene

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