
The waters around the Antarctic Peninsula were just teeming with whales. Many were quite far from the ship, but some came right along side. In our other travels, I have hardly been able to get a whale picture - mostly a black shadow on the water's surface and never a fluke. As you will see in the photos below, I will never have to take a whale-watching cruise again. We saw mostly Humpbacks and Southern Right whales, but there were Orcas that I did not get photos of.

My first tail fluke


Southern Right whale


Nice fluke



Must be something good to eat right there - "Bubble feeding" in Wilhelmina Bay

A group of 4 or 5 whales circle around giving off bubbles from their blow holes. This curtain of bubbles surrounds and confuses fish or krill and the whales then swim through and take in a mouthful.


Waving a flipper in our direction


Humpback whale

"Thar she blows"

Humpback whale waving a flipper


At one point a pair of Humpbacks cruised right next to the hull of the ship, providing wonder photo ops.




Pair of Humpbacks




Down we go!


Nice blow hole view


Final fluke


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