
Fri., 6/8/12 - Bucharest and Bran Castle in Transylvania
            This morning we took an all-day tour to Bran Castle in Transylvania.  We drove north through the Ploesti oil and gas fields that were destroyed during WWII because they were supplying the Nazi war machine. 

Area of the Ploesti oil fields



Peasants selling goods at a road construction stop


Carpathian Mountains - through the bus window

Bran Castle


Bran Castle

Bran Castle - entrance


Secret passage inside the castle

Bran Castle courtyard


Armoured figure standing guard

Castle window

More creative Romanian wiring


Haystacks in the field next to the restaurant where we had lunch


Scenes from the bus - Rasnov Citadel on the hill

Scenes from the bus - Church restoration

Scenes from the bus - Sheep and horse-drawn wagon


Scenes from the bus - Working the fields by hand




Sat., 6/9/12 - Bucharest to Estes Park, CO
            We got up at 2 AM, caught the bus to the airport at 3:30.  We flew from Bucharest to Frankfort (2 1/2 hours).  In Frankfort I got wheelchair assistance to our new gate because we only had one hour and the airport is huge and strangely laid out.  They brought an elevator truck to the plane to take me down to the tarmac because we were not parked at a gate, then loaded us on a special bus and drove us around to the handicapped lounge, put me in a wheel chair and walked for miles to get to Z18 gate.  We used four more elevators, a tram, fast lane through passport control and security, and finally got to the gate.  It took more than an hour.  We won't make that request again!
            The flight to Newark was almost 9 hours with two meals and time to sleep.  Newark to Denver was anther 3 1/2 hours but we drove up the mountain and were happy to be home.
            This trip started out very somber with all of the WWII damage and atrocities as a big part of the tours.  The interesting point is how the various countries have pulled themselves out of terror and control and devastation and have landed on their feet.  Many of the countries know they still have improvements to make but are taking steps to achieve a good life for the citizens.

All-in-all, a really great trip!

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