


We saw many herds of zebras. They, too, are very pretty animals and no two have the same stripe pattern.




Striped visual

Lunch time


On the runway - guides have to be at the airstrip ahead of plane arrivals to chase off the animals


Larger herd

Warthog - large male - the meat is VERY good to eat - we had Warthog steaks in Victoria Falls and it was as good as beef!


Mommy and baby Warthogs

Warthogs kneel to be able to dig in the ground with their tusks for food

Serval cat - one of those "just a glimpse" photos


Wild dog


Wild dogs

Nice tail


African Giant Porcupine - (from Google) - we saw them at night

Black-backed Jackel


Black-backed Jackel

Black-backed Jackel


Banded Mongoose in front of a nice termite hill

Baboon destroying a protea flower



Grooming is important to Baboons

Baboons are very clever with their hands


Mommy and baby


Mommy and baby

Baboon in a tree eating something good


Vervet Monkey

Hyena - we also saw several night


Painted Reed Frog - sighted while in the Mokoro on the Okavanga boat ride







Python's protective covering


Monitor Water Lizard

Monitor Water Lizard - this gives you some idea of the size of these creatures - Impalas on the bank


Monitor Water Lizard who has taken over a Hammerkop's nest - he will eat the eggs

Deadly Puff Adder swimming in the Lufupa River

Deadly Puff Adder


Termite nest


Another type of termite nest

This is a termite hill - these can be at least 10 feet tall, 20 feet in diameter, and very old

Aftican Giant Millipede


Sugar Ant nest


Black Ants

Walking Catfish in a puddle in the road


Our guide stirring up the waters so we could see the Walking Catfish


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