
June 14 - Kodiak - a new port for us. Kodiak is located on the largest of the Aleutian Islands and is accessible only by air or by the Alaska Marine Highway - the ferry. We started our walking tour of town by going through the Baranov Museum and visiting the Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church.

View from the harbor


Baranov Museum

Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church

Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church


Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church


      Our next stop was at the Alutiiq Center to see their museum containing Alutiiq cultural displays. This was also a very nice museum.


Interesting sign for the Museum


Alutiiq petroglyphs


Alutiiq outer wear

Alutiiq kayak


      After the Alutiiq museum we strolled around town and down to the harbor where they have a nice plaque commemorating the Good Friday, 1964 earthquake that caused a great deal of damage in Kodiak and even more in Anchorage.



Starfish in the harbor



Home of Trident Seafoods


June 15 - Yet another birthday! Today, after sailing all night from Kodiak, we arrived around 1pm at the Hubbard Glacier. This is a huge, gorgeous hunk of ice! Our captain was able to bring us up to less than a mile from the face of the ice. These glaciers are so big, you don't realize that you are still that far away. See the photos below of the other cruise ship that entered the bay behind us and then took our place at the face.


Hubbard Glacier


Hubbard Glacier

These are our "we were there" photos for the trip


Hubbard Glacier

Hubbard Glacier


Hubbard Glacier


      Since we were at the glacier between 1 and 2pm and it was a sunny day, there were LOTS of calving incidents. If you have never seen this, the breakaway of the piece of ice is accompanied by a very loud boom that sounds a lot like cannons firing. You tend to hear the sound and rapidly scan the face of the glacier to see where the event is taking place. Sometimes you find it in time for a photo, and sometimes you don't. Today, I was pretty lucky - comes with getting a year older, I guess.


Hubbard Glacier - calving event


Hubbard Glacier - calving event

Hubbard Glacier - calving event


Hubbard Glacier - calving event

Hubbard Glacier - calving event


Hubbard Glacier - calving event

Hubbard Glacier - calving event


Hubbard Glacier - calving event

The Island Princess joining us

Island Princess


Lots of ice in the water and more glaciers in the mountains


Lots of ice in the water

A hanging glacier


      The Island Princess is much larger than we - about twice as many verandah decks. It looks like a toy in front of the ice.


Island Princess in front of the face of the Hubbard Glacier

Island Princess in front of the face of the Hubbard Glacier


      On the way back out of the bay we saw lots more harbour seals and their pups on the floating ice.


Harbour seals


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