

Wed., 2/22/23 - Dougga and Testour

Today began with a 1/2 mile walk to a Tunisian synagogue - the Grand Synagogue. The synagogue was guarded by armed security and only members of the Jewish faith were allowed in the building. The rest of us stood outside in the morning chill until those taking the tour returned.

Grand Synagogue

Grand Synagogue


Stork nest


Passing through a small town



The drive from Tunis to the impressive Roman ruins at Dougga (or Thugga) took about 2.5 hours. The visit was well worth the lengthy ride!

Dougga is sited on a high plateau in the middle of the countryside about 3 miles from the northern Tunisian town of Teboursouk. It is believed to be "the best-preserved Roman small town in North Africa." At the site, approximately two-thirds of the ruins lie uncovered. It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1997.

You are encouraged to review the information in the link above and enjoy the photos below. This was a marvelous site to explore.


Roman Ruins at Dougga (Ancient Thugga)


The Theatre


The Theatre


The Theatre


Skene of the ancient Theatre


Skene of the ancient Theatre

Statue of Marcus Aurelius


From the Theatre

Ruins at the side of the Theatre

Road from the Theatre toward the Capitol


Alexander Sevreus's Arch


Temple of August Piety


Temple of August Piety


The Capitol


The Capitol


The Capitol


The Capitol - façade


The Capitol - a decorative capital


The Capitol - a statue would have stood in the center alcove


Roman walls


Remaining part of a Wind Rose Compass

The prevailing winds changed direction with the seasons and indicated the time to plant and harvest, etc.


Gate of the Dar Lacheb


Sign for the Gymnasium


Looking to the NW


Temple to Caelestis (in the distance)


The Market


The Market


Roman sewer cover - located at regular intervals along a paved road


Roman road or street


Single latrine


Latrine for many


What we imagine a "modern" Roman would be doing at the latrine


Licinian Baths area


Wonderful stone-work


Licinian Baths


Archway at Licinian or Antonian Baths - looking out
toward the countryside










Mausoleum of Ateban


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