
Fri., 5/18/18 - Zagoria and the Vikos Gorge

Today was not a typical OAT day. We had fun on a 5-mile hike in Vikos-Aoos National Park and then went rafting on the Voidomati River in the Vikos Gorge.

Our hike was mostly down hill on a stone path built by the mountain people to connect their villages. We saw lots of familiar wildflowers and spectacular views of the steep (vertical) stone sides of the gorge. Vikos Gorge is reported to be the deepest gorge in the world (Guinness). We crossed an old stone bridge built in 1749 and stopped for a splash of Ouzo and cheese before continuing. We ended at the Noutsou stone bridge built in 1742.


Vikos Gorge


The beginning of the hike in the village Koukouli


Not sure we went to any of these places

Sign at a hut along the way


Headed for that bridge down below


Vikos Gorge


Getting closer to the bridge

Trail markers


The bridge, at last- bring on the Ouzo!


Beautiful water

Stone bridge


Stone bridge



The happy hikers!


We met the rest of our group at the bridge and rode our bus to lunch at the Kanela & Garyfallo restaurant in Vitsa. It is famous for everything mushrooms. We even had candied mushrooms on top of yogurt.

Back at the hotel the seven of us changed for rafting and headed out. We got suited up in a wet suit rubber jacket, water booties, life vests, and helmets and got to our rafts. Five of our group went in one raft. Marge and I got into the other raft to paddle Alexandra (our guide and the only one who took pictures), and a river guide who steered, down the stream. The water was so clear and beautiful and the category II rapids were very gentle. It was great fun. (Some day I hope to get some pictures of this event from someone. They wouldn't download to the IPad while I was in Greece.)



Sat., 5/19/18 - Drive to Gjirokaster, Albania

Before departing this morning, I took some pictures of our lovely Aristi Resort accommodations, after which we set off for the Albanian border.

As we drove today through the Pindus Mountains we could look across to the farms in the valleys and see many villages scattered on the mountain sides.


Our lovely, large accommodation

Grounds of the resort


Nice sign down on the road

Our Greek Chariot


Bee boxes

Interesting sign


Fields of solar panels (from the bus)

Along the way, we stopped at an interesting Greek cemetery. The graves illustrated the elaborate manner with which the Greeks honor there loved ones.


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