
Sun., 6/10/18 - Karanac, Croatia

At 7:15, coffee was ready and it was real brewed coffee, not Nescafé or espresso. At 7:30 I helped Marta make fry bread for breakfast. The dough had yeast and rose in the hot canola oil. They tasted like donut dough and were delicious with the homemade jams. Breakfast was great - hot fried eggs, our cheese, sausage meats, etc.

Making fry bread for breakfast


Making fry bread for breakfast

Turning out the cheese we made yesterday


Turning out the cheese

Ready to eat


The kitchen

The kitchen



Daniel showed us how he makes clay wine carafes on his pottery wheel. We were invited to make something from clay. I made a candle holder and won third place in the judged competition.

Daniel demonstrating pottery making


Gale making some pottery


Ready to be judged



Next, we walked to the village elementary school and learned that the Grand Circle Foundation provided swings, a sliding board, and a “climbing” wall and put in a new entrance door and is going to fence the play-yard.

Then it was on to the site of our restaurant for lunch. The owner has collected many old-time tools and items from the village and displays them in a “street of forgotten time.” It is like a museum. In the restaurant there were shelves of irons, coffee grinders, brass instruments, stringed instruments, pistols, etc. I believe many of the people here still know how to use most of the tools and kitchen utensils. Meerkat still uses the wood stove in her older kitchen in the winter because it heats the house.


Carnival truck passing by


Local hydrant


More food prep

Local church steeple


Veggie garden

Old tools and things


Old building

Brick walkway


More food prep

What is a stop in a villiage without a visit to a winery? This one was the Szabo Hungarian winery. The tour included a tasting and opportunity to purchase bottles of wine, of course. Two sisters gave the presentation and explained what their lives were like. Their winery is new - 2015 - and very modern compared to Dennis’ farmhouse.

Szabo Hungarian winery

Szabo Hungarian winery


Szabo Hungarian winery

Szabo Hungarian winery



At 2:15 we started the three plus hour drive to Zagreb. As we drove away from Karanac, the wheat, corn, and sunflower fields got much larger and were obviously worked with modern machinery. The hay was rolled into larger round bales. The land was very flat - “the highest part of the region is a cabbage!”

We went for an orientation walk around the neighborhood. We are in a good location near food, groceries, bakeries, and tourist spots. The included dinner tonight was a buffet in our hotel. It was pretty good.




Large grain elevators

View from our hotel room


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