
Wed., 6/13/18 - Zagreb to Opatija, Croatia on the Adriatic Sea

Today we drove to Opatija, Croatia with a large detour to take a walk in Plitvice Lakes National Park. Croatia has eight national parks in this small country. Plitvice Lakes covers 75,000 acres with 16 lakes and numerous waterfalls connecting them. It was granted UNESCO certification in 1979 - the same year as the pyramids in Egypt.

There were many large groups of people doing the loop we walked but it was not unpleasant. Pontoon boats ferried walkers across to a scenic loop up and around lakes and past interesting waterfalls. Water poured over rock and mossy vegetation, some dropping 18 and 28 meters into the next perfectly clear lake. The water was beautiful.

As we descended back to the ferry boat, the thunder and lightening got closer to us - too near - and then it poured rain and blew so we all got wet even though Marge and I had on our rain jackets. We didn’t really care, except for the lightening, because it was a beautiful walk on a wide dirt path or on a boardwalk made from chestnut tree wood.

We drove 20 minutes, drying out on the bus, to a lunch of soup risotto, salad, trout (or chicken) and potatoes and chocolate cake. We were served individually by three waitresses so the meal went much more quickly than usual.

Familiar product


Found just about everywhere in the world

Plitvice Lakes National Park


Plitvice Lakes National Park


Plitvice Lakes National Park

Plitvice Lakes National Park

Plitvice Lakes National Park


Plitvice Lakes National Park


Plitvice Lakes National Park


Plitvice Lakes National Park



We drove to Senj on the Adriatic coast by way of mountains with wide valleys and cattle and sheep pastures. This was also an area of timber and lumber and very different from other parts of Croatia we have seen.

We stopped in Senj for toilets and looked at its fortress on a promontory. Senj is on the 45th parallel and has a monument to that fact.

We drove through Rijeka to get to neighboring Opatija. Rijeka, the largest Croatian port, is big in ship building (cargo ships mostly) and refining oil. Opatija was once a place where wealthy Austrians and Hungarians built winter palaces because winters are more mild here.


Fortress at Senj

At the gas pump






Some of these villas are now hotels, like the one we are in.

Dinner was at the yacht club a block from our hotel and on the Adriatic. The group ate shrimp pasta and I had grilled pork, roasted potatoes, and grilled vegetables.



Thurs., 6/14/18 - Opatija and Istria Excursion

Today was a beautiful day, much cooler, and with a breeze. We headed west through a three-mile long tunnel onto the Istrian Peninsula and in due time arrived at the base of the hill town of Motovun. We rode a shuttle bus half way up the hill and walked the rest of the way on lumpy cobblestones into the walled town.

Motovun is another UNESCO historic site. The inner walls of the town were built in the 13th c. There are two entry gates - one built in the 17th c. when Venice ruled the town. The race car driver Mario Andretti, who everyone thinks is Italian, was born in Motovun.


Looking down on Opatija


Beautiful countryside of the Istrian Peninsula

Hill town of Motovun


Lots of truffle hunting!

Tough walking on these


Narrow alleys, great views

We sampled olive oil, truffles, and wine in one of the town shops.

Meats and Cheeses



Marge and I walked up to the central square and along the top of the old walls and loved the 360° views of the surrounding farms, villages, and hills.



Entry to the central square


Wonderful views!


St. Stjepan (Stephen) Church


Steeple of St. Stjepan's


Wall plaque

Leftover festive dedorations


Gate with the Venetian Lion of St. Mark

There is a child’s story of a giant sweeping bad people away with the branches of an oak tree.



Road and irragation channel


Truffle shop


Interesting sign




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